Contáct us: 001-5613067481 / +593 52527125 / +593-988623928
    f scuba_diving_galapagos diving_galapagos galapagos_diving
  • Galapagos Dive Yacht

    Discover Galápagos with us
    Discover galapagos onboard our luxury dive yacht,
    a fascinating experience
         Book now

  • Galápagos diving

    Discover Galápagos with us
    Live an unique experience in Galapagos      Book now

  • diving in galapagos travellers

    Make friends
    In Galapagos Travelers you will be able to meet
    new friends who practice their same hobbies
         Book now


  • diving in galapagos sharks friends

    Dive with sharks
    but don´t worry, they are friendly specially with
    Lucho Jara our Dive Instructor
         Book now


  • Buceo en Galapagos

    Make friends
    In Galapagos Travelers you will be able to meet
    new friends who practice their same hobbies
         Book now


  • diving in galapagos friends

    Dive with sharks
    but don´t worry, they are friendly specially with
    Lucho Jara our Dive Instructor
         Book now


  • buceo en galapagos travellers

    Dive with sharks
    but don´t worry, they are friendly specially with
    Lucho Jara our Dive Instructor
         Book now


  • scuba diving galapagos

    Make friends
    In Galapagos Travelers you will be able to meet
    new friends who practice their same hobbies
         Book now


  • Yate

    Dive with sharks
    but don´t worry, they are friendly specially with
    Lucho Jara our Dive Instructor
         Book now



Contact us

Santa Cruz Island St Enrrique Fuentes 051 and St Baltra St Saigón front to Leon Dormido restaurant
Phone 593-52527125
Movil 1 593-988623928
Movil 2 593-991006624

Send a message. All fields with an * are required.





Our Schedule

Gordon Rocks

Gordon Rocks

Our departure schedule for the tour are Mondays and Saturday

North Seymour

North Seymour

Our departure schedule for the tour are:
Wednesday combined with Daphne
Friday combined with Mosquera
Sunday combined with Mosquera

Cousin Rocks

Cousin Rocks

Our departure schedule for the tour is Tuesday



Our departure schedule for the tour are:
Wednesday combined with North Seymour
Thursday combined with Mosquera



Our departure schedule for the tour are:
Thursday combined with Daphne
Friday combined with North Seymour



Our departure schedule for the tour is Tuesday (only charter)

  • Gordon Rocks

    Gordon Rocks

    Our departure schedule for the tour are Mondays and Saturday

  • North Seymour

    North Seymour

    Our departure schedule for the tour are:
    Wednesday combined with Daphne
    Friday combined with Mosquera
    Sunday combined with Mosquera

  • Cousin Rocks

    Cousin Rocks

    Our departure schedule for the tour is Tuesday

  • Daphne


    Our departure schedule for the tour are:
    Wednesday combined with North Seymour
    Thursday combined with Mosquera

  • Mosquera


    Our departure schedule for the tour are:
    Thursday combined with Daphne
    Friday combined with North Seymour

  • Bartolome


    Our departure schedule for the tour is Tuesday (only charter)